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作者:赵昕  发表日期:2017-05-19    


1.       Liu YB, Li XR, Chen GX, Li MM, Liu ML, Liu D.Epidermal Micromorphology and Mesophyll Structure of Populus euphratica Heteromorphic Leaves at Different Development Stages.PLOS ONE. 2015 10(9): e0137701. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137701.

2.       Zhao P, Zhang J, Zhao X, Chen G, Ma X-F. Different sets of post-embryonic development genes are conserved or lost in two Caryophyllales species (Reaumuria soongorica and Agriophyllum squarrosum). 2016. PLoS ONE 11(1):e0148034. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148034

3.       Yin Hengxia, Yan Xia, Shi Yong, Qian Chaoju, Li Zhonghu, Zhang Wen, Wang Lirong, Li Yi, Li Xiaoze, Chen Guoxiong, Li Xinrong, Nevo Eviatar, Ma Xiao-Fei. The role of East Asian monso on system in shaping population divergence and dynamics of a constructive desert shrub Reaumuria soongarica. Scientific Reports. 10/2015; 5:15823. DOI: 10.1038/srep15823.

4.       Li Chao, Liu Cheng, Ma Xiaoying, Wang Aidong, Duan Ruijun, Nawrath Christiane, T Komatsuda akao and Chen Guoxiong. Characterization and genetic mapping of eceriferum-ym (cer-ym), a cutin deficient barley mutant with impaired leaf water retention capacity. Breeding Science. 2015. 65(4): 327–332.

5.       Duan Ruijun, Xiong Huiyan, WanAidong g and Chen Guoxiong. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Hull-Caryopsis Adhesion/Separation Revealed by Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Covered/Naked Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015. 16: 14181-14193.

6.       Yan Xia, Zhou Maoxian, Dong Xicun, Zou Songbing, Xiao Honglang, Ma Xiao-Fei. Molecular mechanisms of foliar water uptake in a desert tree. AoB PLANTS 11/2015; DOI:10.1093/ aobpla/plv129.

7.       Chen C, Wang J Zhao X. Leaf senescence induced by EGY1 defection was partially restored by glucose in Arabidopsis thaliana. 2016. Bot Stud 57:5

8.       Wang J, Bao J, Li X, Liu Y. Molecular ecology of nifH genes and transcripts along a chronosequence in revegetated areas of the Tengger desert. Microbial Ecology. 2016.71:150-163

9.       Wang J, Bao JT, Su JQ, Li XR, Chen  GX, Ma XF.Impact of inorganic nitrogen additions on microbes in biological soil crusts.Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2015. 88: 303-313.

10.   Zhao X, Shi Y, Liu YB, Jia RL, Li XR.Osmotic adjustment of soil biocrust mosses in response to desiccation stress. Pedosphere. 2015. 25(3): 459-467.

11.   Wang XP, Zhang H, Zhang YF, Hu R, Pan YX. Dependence of shrub canopy water storage on raindrop size in revegetated desert. Journal Hydrological Sciences. 2015. 60:4, 760-769.

12.   Zhang ZS, Dong XJ, Xu BX, Chen YL, Zhao Y, Gao YH, Hu YG, Huang L. Soil respiration sensitivities to water and temperature in a revegetated desert. Journal of Geophysical Research:  Biogeosciences, 2015, 120: 773-787.

13.   Zhang ZS, Chen YL, Xu BX, Huang L, Tan HJ, Dong XJ.Topographic differentiations of biological soil crusts and hydraulic properties in fixed sand dunes, Tengger Desert. Journal of Arid Land. 2015. 7(2): 205-215.

14.   He MZ, Zhang K, Tan HJ, Hu R, Su JQ, Wang J, Huang L, Zhang YF, Li XR. Nutrient levels within leaves, stems, and roots of the xeric species Reaumuria soongorica in relation to geographical, climatic, and soil conditions.Ecology and Evolution. 2015. 5(7): 1494-1503.

15.   He MZ, Dijkstra FA. Phosphorus addition enhances loss of nitrogen in a phosphorus-poor soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2015. 82: 99-106.

16.   He MZ, Dijkstra FA Zhang K, Tan HJ, Zhao Y, Li XR. Influence of life form, taxonomy, climate, and soil properties on shoot and root concentrations of 11 elements in herbaceous plants in a temperate desert.Plant and soil. 2015. doi: 10.1007/s11104-015-2669-0.

17.   Pan YX, Wang XP, Zhang YF, Hu R.Spatio-temporal variability of root zone soil moisture in artificially revegetated and natural ecosystems at an arid desert area, NW China.Ecological Engineering. 2015. 79: 100-112.

18.   Huang L, Zhang ZS, Li XR.The extrapolation of the leaf area-based transpiration of two xerophytic shrubs in a revegetated desert area.Hydrology Research. 2015.36(3):389-399.

19.   Huang L, Zhang ZS.Stable isotopic analysis on water utilization sources of two xerophytic shrubs in a revegetated desert area: Tengger Desert, China. Water. 2015, 7: 1030-1045.

20.   Gao YH, Liu LC, Jia RL, Yang HT, Li G.Evapotranspiration over artificially planted shrub communities in the shifting sand dune area of the Tengger Desert, north central China.Ecohydrology. 2015. doi: 10.1002/eco.1635.

21.   Hui R, Li X, Zhao R, Liu L, Gao Y, Zhao X, Wei Y. UV-B radiation suppresses chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic pigment and antioxidant systems of two key species in soil crusts from the Tengger Desert, China, J Arid Environ. 2015. 113: 6-15

22.   Hui R, Li X, Zhao R, Liu L, Li G, Wei Y. Damage and recovery from enhanced UV-B exposure in Bryum argenteum and Didymodon vinealis from biological soil crusts. Fresen Environ Bull. 2015. 24: 939-946

23.   Hu R, Wang XP, Pan YX, Zhang YF, Zhang H, Chen N.Seasonal variation of net N mineralization under different biological soil crusts in Tengger Desert, North China.Catena. 2015. 127: 9-16.

24.   Zhao Y, Li XR, Zhang P, Hu YG, Huang L.Effects of Vegetation Reclamation on Temperature and Humidity Properties of a Dumpsite: A Case Study in the Open Pit Coal Mine of Heidaigou. Arid Land Research and Management. 2015. 29(3), 375-381.

25.   Zhang YF, Wang XP, Hu R, Pan YX, Paradeloc M.Rainfall partitioning into throughfall, stemflow and interception loss by two xerophytic shrubs within a rain-fed re-vegetated desert ecosystem, northwestern China.Journal of Hydrology. 2015. 527:1084-1095.

26.   Liu ML, Li XR, Liu YB, Shi YL, Ma XF.Analysis of differentially expressed genes under UV-B radiation in the desert plant Reaumuria soongorica.Gene. 2015. 574:265-272.

27.   Bao JT, Wang J, Li XR, Zhang ZS, Su JQ.Age-related changes in photosynthesis and water relations of revegetated Caragana korshinskii in the Tengger desert, Northern China.Trees. 2015. 29:1749-1760.

28.   Park CH, Li XR, Jia RL, Hur JS.Effects of Superabsorbent Polymer on Cyanobacterial Biological Soil Crust Formation in Laboratory. Arid Land Research and Management.Arid Land Research and Management. 2015. 29(1): 55-71.

29.   Dijkstra FA, He MZ, Johansen MP, Harrison JJ, Keitel C.Plant and microbial uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus affected by drought using 15N and 32P tracers.Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2015. 82: 135-142.

30.   Grishkan I, Jia R L, Kidron G J,  Li X R. Cultivable microfungal communities inhabiting biological soil crusts in the Tengger Desert, China..Pedosphere. 2015. 25: 351–363.

31.   Kidron GJ, Li XR, Jia RL, Gao YH, Zhang P.Assessment of carbon gains from biocrusts inhabiting a dunefield in the Negev Desert. Geoderma. 2015. 253-254: 102-110.

32.   Grishkan I, Jia RL, Li XR.Influence of sand burial on cultivable micro-fungi inhabiting biological soil crusts.Pedobiologia. 2015. 58: 89-96.

33.   Wu P, Qin BQ, Zhang ZS, Zhao Y, Hu YG, Chen YL.Effects of drainage water on plant diversity and distribution of agricultural drainage ditch beds in an arid irrigated area of Northwestern China.Chemistry and Ecology. 2015. 3(18):1-13.

34.   Huang L, Zhang P, Hu YG, Zhao Y.Vegetation succession and soil infiltration characteristics under different restoration models on refuse dumps at the Heidaigou Opencast Coal Mine.Global Ecology and Conservation. 2015. 4: 255-263.

35.   Zuo Xiaoan, Zhang Jing, Zhou Xin, Zhao Xueyong, Wang Shaokun, Lian Jie, Lu Peng, Knops Johannes. Changes in carbon and nitrogen storage al ong a restoration gradient in a semiarid sandy grassland. Acta Oecologica. 2015.69:1-8.

36.   Li Yuqiang, Zhao Xueyong, Wang Shaokun, Zhang Fengxia, Lian Jie, Huang Wenda, Mao Wei. Carbon accumulation in the bulk soil and different soil fractions during the rehabilitation of desertified grassland in Horqin Sandy Land (Northern China). Polish Journal of Ecology. 2015. 63: 88–101

37.   Li Y uqiang, Zhao Xueyong, Zhang Fengxia, Awada Tala, Wang Shaokun, Zhao Halin, Zhang Tonghui, Li Yulin. Accumulation of soil organic carbon during natural restoration of desertified grassland in China’s Horqin Sandy Land. Journal of Arid Land. 2015.7(3): 328–340

38.   Liu Xinping, He Yuhui, Zhao Xueyong, Zhang Tonghui, Zhang Lamei, Ma Yunhua, Yao Shuxia, Wang Shaokun, Wei Shuilian. Characteristics of the growing season’s deep drainage and soil water in mobile sandy land of Inner Mongolia, northern China. Journal of Arid Land, 2015. 7(2): 238-250.

39.   Liu Xinping, He Yuhui, Zhang Tonghui, Zhao Xueyong, Li Yuqiang, Zhang Lamei. Wei Shuilian, Yun Jianying. The response of infiltration depth, evaporation, and soil water replenishment to rainfall in mobile dunes in the Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015.73:8699-8708.

40.   Pan ChengChen, Zhao HaLin, Feng Qi, Liu Ji Liang, Liu LinDe, Cai Yongjiu, Liu Changan, Li Jin. Temporal variations of ground-dwelling arthropods in relation to grassland salinization. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2015. 68: 25-32.

41.   Ma Yunhua, Zhang Tonghui, Liu Xinping. Effect of intensity of small rainfall simulation in spring on annuals in Horqin Sandy Land, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015. 74:727–735.

42.   Chen Min, Zhao Xue-yong, ZuXiao-ano.Comparative reproductive biology of Apocynumvenetum L.in wild and managed populations in the arid region of NW China.Plant SystEvol. 2015. 301(6): 1735-1745.

43.   Chen Min, Zhao Xue-yong, Zuo Xiao-an, Lian Jie, Zhu Yang-chun. Floral traits and pollination system ofZygophyllumxanthoxylum in the managed and wild populations in an arid region of Northwest China.J Arid Land. 2015.7(4):488–500.

44.   Chen Min, Zhao Xue-yong Pollen limitation and breeding system of Tamarix ramosissima (Ledeb) in patched habitats. South African JBot. 2015.99:36–43.

45.   Chen Min, Zhao Xue-yong, Zuo Xiao-an, Luo Ya-yong, Lian Jie, Zhu Yang-chun. Reproductive Biology of T. chinensisand T. ramosissima (Tamaricaceae: Theineae) from Gansu, Northwestern China. JAgrSci. 2015. 11:156-168.

46.   Li Jin, Qu Hao, Zhao Halin, Zhou Ruilian, Yun Jianying, Pan Chengchen. Growth and physiological responses of Agriophyllum squarrosum to sand burial stress.Journal of Arid Land. 2015. 7(1):94-100.

47.   Zhao Xia, Wang Y, Shang Q, et al. Collagen-Like Proteins (ClpA, ClpB, ClpC, and ClpD) Are Required for Biofilm Formation and Adhesion to Plant Roots by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. PloS one. 2015. 10(2): e0117414.

48.   Wang Ruoyu, Zhao X, Hao H, Shang MQ, & Yang G. First Report of Arthrocladiella mougeotii Causing Powdery Mildew on Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum) in Ningxia, China. Plant Disease. 2015. 99(9):1283.

49.   Yang G, Zhou H, Wang R, Hickford J. Variation in the ovine PRKAG3 gene. Gene. 2015. 567(2): 251-254.

50.   Zhao Xia, Wang Ruoyu, Shang Qianhan. The New Flagella-associated Collagen-like Proteins ClpB and ClpC of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 are involved in Bacterial Motility. Microbiological Research. 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.micres.2015.12.004.

51.   Qiu Yang, Xie Zhongkui, Wang Yajun, Ren Jilong, Malhi Sukhdev S.. Influence of gravel mulch stratum thickness and gravel grain size on evaporation resistance. Journal of hydrology. 2015. 519:1908-1913.

52.   Zhang YB, Wang YJ, Meng J, Xie ZK, Wang RY, Kutcher HR, Guo ZH. Development of an immunochromatographic strip test for rapid detection of lily symptomless virus. Journal of Virological Methods. 2015. 220:13-17.

53.   Zhang YB, Wang YJ, Yang WR, Xie ZK, Wang RY, Kutcher HR, Guo ZH. A rapid immunochromatographic test to detect the lily mottle virus. Journal of Virological Methods. 2015. 220:43-48.

54.   Wu ZJ, Yang L, Wang RY, Zhang YB, Shang QH, Wang L, Ren Q, Xie Z.K. In vitro study of the growth, development and pathogenicity responses of Fusarium oxysporum to phthalic acid, an autotoxin from Lanzhou lily. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015. 31:1227–1234.

55.   Wu,Z.J., Xie, Z.K., Yang, L., Wang, R.Y., Guo, Z.H., Zhang, Y.B., Wang,L., Kutcher, H.R. Identification of autotoxins from root exudates of Lanzhou lily (Lilium davidii var. unicolor ). Allelopathy Journal, 2015. 35 (1): 35-48.

56.   Yang L, Xie ZK, Wu ZJ, Wang YJ, Guo ZH, Zhang YB, Wang RY. Response of oriental hybrid lily (Lilium oriental cv. Sorbonne) flowers to exogenous fluridone and abscisic acid application and responses of endogenous abscisic acid & gibberellic acid 3. Hort Science. 2015.50(4):559–564.

57.   Wang Baohua, Zhang Yan, Wei Peipei, Sun Miao, Ma Xiaofei, Zhu Xinyu: Identification of nuclear low-copy genes and their phylogenetic utility in rosids. Genome 02/2015; 57(10):150203143525007. DOI:10.1139/gen-2014 -0138.

58.   Zhao RuiFeng, Xie ZuoLun, Zhang LiHua, Zhu Wen, Li Jie, Liang Dan. Assessment of wetland fragmentation in the middle reaches of the Heihe River by the type change tracker model. J Arid Land. 2015. 7(2): 177–188 doi: 10.1007/s40333-014-0047-z.



1.       Li Yuqiang, Chen Yinping, Wang Shaokun, Huang Wenda, Zhang Jianpeng. Effects of land-use changes on organic carbon in bulk soil and associated physical fractions in China's Horqin Sandy Grassland. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2015. 7(1): 0050–0058.

2.       Zhao HaLin, Qu Hao, Zhou RuiLian, Yun JianYing, Li Jin. Effects of sand burial on survival and growth of Artemisia halodendron and its physiological response. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2015, 7(1): 0059–0066.

3.       Luo YY, Zhao XY, Zhang JH, Photosynthesis of Digitaria ciliaris during repeated soil drought and rewatering. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2015. 7(1):0081-0087.

4.       Pan ChengChen, Feng Q i, Zhao HaLin, Zhao XueYong, Liu LinDe, Liu Ji Liang, Zhang Li, Li Jin. Seasonal change mediates the shift between resource and pollen limitation in Hedysarum scoparium (Fabaceae). Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2015,7(1):94-98.

5.       Ma Yunhua, Zhang Tonghui, Liu Xinping, Mao Wei, Yue Xiangfei. The response of Caragana microphylla seedlings to water table changes in Horqin Sandy Land, China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2015. 7(1):0088-0093.

6.       Huang Wenda, Zhao Xueyong, Li Yulin, Li Yuqiang, Luo Yayong, Feng Jing, Su Na. ISSR analysis of Caragana microphylla (Leguminosae) in different temperature gradients. Science in Cold and Arid Region. 2015. 7(1):0099-0103.

7.       Zhu Yangchun, Zhao Xueyong, Chen Min, Luo Yongqing, Zhou Xin. Characteristics of high arsenic groundwater in Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, Northern China. 2015, 7(1):104-110.

8.       Wang Shaokun, Zhao Xueyong, Zuo Xiaoan, Liu Xinping, Qu Hao, Mao Wei, Yun Jianying. Screening of cellulose decomposing fungi in sandy dune soil of Horqin Sandy Land. Sciences inCold and Arid Regions. 2015. 7(1):74-80.

9.       Zuo XiaoAn, Zhao XueYong, Wang ShaoKun, Zhou Xin, Lv Peng, Zhang Jing. Effects of dune stabilization on vegetation characteristics and soil properties at multiple scales in Horqin Sand land, Northern China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2015. 7(1):40-49.

10.   Li MM, Liu YB, Liu ML, Liu D.Comparative studies on leaf epidermal micromorphology and mesophyll structure of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. in two different regions of desert habitat.Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2015, 7(3): 0229-0237.

11.   Qu H, Zhao HL, Zhou RL, et al., Effects of sand burial on growth and antioxidant enzyme activities of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in northern China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2015.7(1): 0067–0073.

12.   胡宜刚,李睿,辛玉琴,朱学超,王增如,赵洋.青藏铁路植被恢复和黑土型退化草地治理的实践与启示.草业科学, 2015, 32(9): 1413-1422.

13.   胡宜刚,张鹏,赵洋,黄磊,虎瑞.植被配置对黑岱沟露天煤矿区土壤养分恢复的影响.草业科学, 2015, 32(10): 1561-1568.

14.   高艳红,李新荣,刘立超,贾荣亮,杨昊天,赵洋,陈永乐,李培广,李刚 .腾格里荒漠红砂-珍珠群落CO2收支变化及其不同观测方法间的比较.生态学报, 2015, 35(7): 2085-2093.

15.   虎瑞,王新平,张亚峰, 潘颜霞,石薇,金艳霞.沙坡头地区固沙植被对土壤酶活性的影响.兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 51(5): 676-682.

16.   苏洁琼,李新荣,鲍婧婷.温性荒漠草原不同功能型草本植物对氮沉降的响应.兰州大学学报(自然科学版),2015, 51(5): 683-689.

17.   赵洋,张鹏,胡宜刚,黄磊,苏洁琼.露天煤矿排土场不同配置人工植被对草本植物物种多样性的影响.生态学杂志, 2015, 34(2): 387-392.

18.   赵洋,张志山,陈永乐,徐冰鑫,陈栋.油蒿 (Artemisia ordosica)退化阶段对灌丛沙堆形态的影响.中国沙漠. 2015, 35(5): 1136-1140.

19.   鲍婧婷,王进,陈翠云. 固沙植被区生物土壤结皮中蓝藻群落的多样性.中国沙漠, 2015, 35(6): 1592-1598.

20.   朱瑞清,张志山,刘立超,回嵘,张浩,鲍婧婷.干旱沙漠边缘地带7 种沙生植物适应性机理.生态学杂志, 2015, 34(10): 2749-2756.

21.   张浩,王新平,张亚峰, 虎瑞,潘颜霞,陈宁.干旱荒漠区不同生活型植物生长 对降雨量变化的响应.生态学杂志, 2015, 34(7): 1847-1853.

22.   陈栋,周海燕,李培广,陈永乐,王艳莉,赵昕.油蒿 (Artemisia ordosica) 和柠条 (Caragana Korshinskii) 生理生态特性的昼夜变化特征与调节机制.中国沙漠,2015, 35(6): 1549-1556.

23.   徐冰鑫,陈永乐,胡宜刚,张志山,李刚,李梦茹,陈栋.干旱过程中荒漠生物土壤结皮土壤系统的硝化作用对温度和湿度的响应-以沙坡头地区为例.应用生态学报, 2015, 4(26): 1113-1120.

24.   赵蓉,李小军,赵洋,杨昊天,陈栋.固沙植被区两类结皮斑块土壤呼吸对不同频率干湿交替的响应.生态学杂志, 2015, 34(1): 138-144.

25.   赵蓉,李小军,赵洋,杨昊天,李刚.固沙植被区两类结皮斑块土壤呼吸对降雨脉冲的响应.中国沙漠,2015, 35(2): 393-399

26.   王艳莉,刘立超,高艳红,杨昊天,李刚.人工固沙植被区土壤水分动态及空间分布.中国沙漠,2015, 35(4):  942-950.

27.   曲浩,赵哈林,周瑞莲,李瑾.沙埋对两种一年生藜科植物存活及光合生理的影响. 生态学杂志.2015. 34(1):79-85.

28.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲,  曲浩, 云建英, 潘成臣. 樟子松幼树株高及其逆境生理指标对对沙埋的响应特征. 西北植物学报, 2015, 35(1): 146-152.

29.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲,  曲浩, 云建英, 潘成臣. 樟子松幼树生长及光合特性对强风沙流吹袭的响应. 西北植物学报, 2015, 35(3):0546-0552.

30.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲, 曲浩, 云建英, 潘成臣.风沙流持续吹袭对樟子松幼树光合蒸腾作用的影响.生态学报,2015,35(20):6678-6685.

31.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲, 曲浩, 云建英, 潘成臣. 沙埋对樟子松幼树生长特性的影响. 中国沙漠, 201535(1): 60-65.

32.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲,  曲浩, 云建英, 潘成臣. 风沙流频繁吹袭对樟子松幼树光合水分代谢的影响. 草业学报, 2015, 24(10): 149-156.

33.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲, 云建英, 曲浩, 潘成臣. 强风沙流吹袭对樟子松幼树生长特性及其逆境生理特征影响.生态学杂志,2015, 34(4):901-906.

34.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲,  曲浩, 云建英, 潘成臣. 樟子松幼树对持续沙埋胁迫的生理响应变化.干旱区资源与环境, 2015, 29(9):69-73.

35.   赵哈林, 李瑾, 周瑞莲,  曲浩, 云建英, 潘成臣. 玉米幼苗对风沙流强度变化的生理响应. 应用生态学报, 26(1):61-66.

36.   赵哈林,李瑾,周瑞莲,曲浩,云建英.玉米幼苗对风速变化的逆境生理响应.干旱地区农业研究.2015.33(6):242-246.

37.   马赟花,张铜会,刘新平,毛伟,岳祥飞.春季小降雨事件对科尔沁沙地一年生植物---尖头叶藜的影响.生态学报. 2015.35 (12)4063-4070.

38.   黄文达,赵学勇,李玉霖,罗亚勇,王少昆,潘成臣.2015.不同海拔梯度下小叶锦鸡儿的居群遗传多样性.草业科学.324):552-559.

39.   周欣,左小安,赵学勇,刘川,罗永清,岳祥飞,吕朋,科尔沁沙地沙丘固定过程中植物生物量及土壤特性.中国沙漠,2015351: 83-89.

40.   周欣,左小安,赵学勇,刘川,吕朋,科尔沁沙地中南部34种植物叶片功能性状及其相互关系.中国沙漠,2015356: 1489-1495.

41.   周欣,左小安,赵学勇,王少昆,刘川,张婧,吕朋,张建鹏,科尔沁沙地植物群落分布与土壤特性关系的DCACCADCCA分析.生态学杂志,2015344):947-954.

42.   周欣,左小安,赵学勇,刘川,罗永清,岳祥飞,吕朋,科尔沁沙地不同生境植物及叶片的CN元素计量特征.干旱区地理,2015383):565-575.

43.   朱阳春, 赵学勇, 陈敏, 罗永清, 周欣. 冻融作用下土地利用方式对土壤含水率垂直变异性影响. 灌溉排水学报,2015, 34(5): 51-54.

44.   王少昆,赵学勇,黄文达,李玉强,岳祥飞,张腊梅. 科尔沁沙质草地纤维素分解菌的筛选、鉴定及其分解能力. 中国沙漠, 2015, 35 (6): 1-8.

45.   罗永清, 赵学勇, 周欣, 朱阳春, 岳祥飞, 张腊梅. 差不嘎蒿生长特征与地下生物量分布的关系研究. 中国沙漠. 2015. 35(1): 152-159.

46.   罗永清, 赵学勇, 周欣, 朱阳春, 岳祥飞, 张腊梅. 科尔沁沙地半固定沙丘不同坡位土壤特征分析. 水土保持通报. 2015. 35(2): 94-100.

47.   孙殿超,李玉霖,赵学勇,左小安,毛伟.围封和放牧对沙质草地碳水通量的影响.植物生态学报. 2015. 06:565-576.

48.   孙殿超,李玉霖,赵学勇,毛伟,岳祥飞.放牧及围封对科尔沁沙质草地土壤呼吸的影响.中国沙漠,2015,06:1620-1627.

49.   何玉惠, 刘新平, 谢忠奎. 氮添加对黄土高原荒漠草原草本植物多样性和生产力的影响. 中国沙漠. 2015,35(1)66-71.

50.   何玉惠, 刘新平,谢忠奎.红砂灌丛对土壤盐分和养分的富集作用.干旱区资源与环境. 2015, 29(3):115-119.

51.   任琴,郭志鸿,王亚军,谢忠奎,王若愚. NA 干扰及其在增强作物抵抗有害真核生物研究中的应用.中国生物工程杂志. 2015,35( 6) : 80-89.

52.   琴,王亚军,郭志鸿,李继平,谢忠奎,王若愚,王 立,惠娜娜. 植物介导的RNA 干扰引起马铃薯晚疫病菌基因的沉默.作物学报. 2015, 41(6): 881-888.

53.   赵烨, 刘玺, 王若愚,段子渊. CD40/CD40L系统对B淋巴细胞的作用研究进展. 细胞与分子免疫学杂志, 2015, 31(05):716-719.

